An opinionated woman intimidates a man, what about an opinionated man?

A whole generation worked to empower women but forgot to teach men how to live with empowered women.

Let’s take a moment to question our very basic conditioning. An opinionated woman is termed as modern and strong-headed by a man (obviously, it comes with negative/uncomfortable connotations). However, an opinionated man is always seen in the light of being witty and wise by a woman (with whom everyone is in awe).

Needless to say, there are exceptions but, I am here voicing what a major chunk of people thinks, and I have experienced. For instance, a loud woman is seen and judged under many radars but, when a man creates a ruckus, he is termed as just aggressive. We all know the difference between being loud and aggressive. This goes down to many micro levels of dysfunctioning with our upbringing, conditioning, societal representation and whatnot. Without a doubt, we are moving to a more liberated world (politically? Nahh! ) but clearly, this shift is not jiffy and comes with its struggles, discomfort and acceptance.

I see this as a mental health epidemic in urban India that will last many, many years.

My understanding of "feminism" here is, we cannot uplift/empower one gender and leave other. It is about maintaining balance. Idea of "feminism" is not exclusive of one gender, rather it is for equality, recognition and opportunity for everyone who is not getting one. Definitely, we women struggle a little more than men with it, but making it completely about us and dismantling the complete equilibrium is not the ultimate cause. 

Many have confused it with "power game", no it is not!

You can't empower one without empowering another one.

It says sexes, not creating binaries of man and woman!


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