"I am not a feminist"

The modern woman comes with many pre-conceived expectations, stigmas and notions, the very infamous of a few hundred are most of us are ‘Feminists’, just because we have started saying what we want. Before building my argument, I would like to throw light on one word, Egalitarianism or equalitarianism. Egalitarian doctrines prioritize equality for all. This political philosophy vouches for the idea that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or moral status and therefore equally entitled to resources. Getting to the point, the division between Feminism and Egalitarianism are blurred to lot many people.

‘Feminism’ happens to be elephant in the room with a bunch of half-educated people sitting together. Such infectious is the word that if one starts talking of the society, there will be one or two mouths who would look eye to eye (with a smirk) or there are some, mostly men who come up with the notion that all modern women are ought to be feminists. To my surprise, being feminism means you are rebellious, ambitious, independent, extrovert, power seeker and outspoken. Attributes synonymous with modern women, who are not seen in respected light.

Much has been said and done over the plight of women. I wish not to stress it further, but least I have seen is many sympathize, but few empathize. The very fact that there are numerous women like me who despise being treated differently and “nicely” on one day i.e., March 08 marks for a change. The very fact that we need to celebrate this day in so not empowering for me. The need for a world to celebrate it marks the discrimination for me. Why not neutralize it? The very essence of the date has changed over the years. We have romanticized and glamorized it just like many other things in the world.

Asking for rights, opportunities in personal and professional lives, unbiased gaze, sexual claims, less of objectification and to be seen more than one with a vagina and boob have been claims of feminist preachers. My expectations are no different, but with a tint of equal recognition to men of the society, and this doesn't make me less feminine in any form. Why do we need to compete with them, be like them or snatch their identity, when we can have one of our own? There are some things that are well suited for men, why do we need to be equal to them in everything, or them to us? All we or I as a woman demands is an unbiased gaze of society and men and women of the world that promotes equal right, opportunities to all human, irrespective of gender.

Indeed, Egalitarianism and Humanism as practices served the base for Feminism, but with time, Feminism has emerged as an aggressive movement, with undercurrent power notion, where suppressed want all. Also, kudos to society for this regression as it has been deeply instilled in human as to what is expected out of them. Fighting these stigmas that projects females as weaker one to male have made many feel that they can do everything that a man can do. fighting back! Surely, we are capable of, but why? Let them do their part, you play yours. Why strive for this power play and role reversal?

#MeToo was a great move. But being a woman myself with unbiased vision, I would say there are many men in the world who goes through the same fate. And one day if they would come up with something like this, it would be difficult for the world to digest. Women laws are stringent these days, and there are many of my gender who end up misusing them against innocent men. Just like us, there are many expectations associated with men as well. Always telling them to be macho, responsible, emotionally strong and whatnot, this has somehow affected their sensibilities and they end up causing harm to themselves, to people around and society at large. Expectations like these make them egoist and conscious of their image. Hence, the issue of rapes and acid attacks happens. Taking as NO is not acceptable to them, as if we abide by societal expectations it is a stain of their masculinity.

Indian society is already multi-layered with castes, religions, culture, and thanks to the new addition, genders. But then, it is not about the right of heterosexuals or homosexuals anymore. Spare the pain and unachievable effort of defining unbiased roles and sensibilities, rather treat us equal. We are sorted.


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