Contemplating on things that shaped me, on a random Saturday Afternoon!

With life's personal share of ups and downs, over which one doesn't have any control as they surprise you (such as losing loved ones), and require you to simply "adapt" with your preferred mechanism, I feel that chosen experiences truly surprise you with their permanent effects. Today, on a random, lazy Saturday afternoon, after listening to a very random podcast, I found myself thinking about my scuba diving instructor who was bitten by a shark during his experience (a story he shared with me during our meeting). This led me to ponder, 'What are some of the things I have voluntarily undertaken that have really shaped me or hold very fond memories due to the experiences attached to them?'

And I felt like writing!

Sometimes, you enjoy randomly reading your own old writing, penned in the moment, to relive the same adrenaline rush and also to remind yourself of who you are and that you need to add things to your list. It's very common to let days, months, and years pass by in routine. They will pass, and you may not even notice!

Until 2019, I was a struggling introvert, socially awkward, and a nerd. One thing that has truly shaped my personality was when life took a turn and I began my career as a journalist. As someone who was introverted and socially awkward, I not only found myself expected to attend numerous interviews and events but also became an on-site reporter for DefExpo 2018. Today, whenever asked, I undoubtedly cite the DefExpo 2018 experience as one of the highlights of my professional journey. Reporting from the ground, working as a journalist, and serving as a sub-editor with strict deadlines, interviewing figures like PM Modi, Nirmala Sitharaman, and other Army and Navy Marshals, amidst thousands of journalists, provided an unparalleled opportunity. Moreover, on a personal level, this socially awkward individual lowered her guard to accomplish the work, and the confidence gained from this experience was incomparable. The exposure I received, both professionally and personally, was uplifting. It taught me to push beyond my comfort zones. I began to seek out exposure rather than settling for monotony! 

2019 and 2020 were pivotal years in my life, which I still reflect on with immense admiration, awe, and pride.

Once you find confidence in life, there's no turning back. Being a person of strong boundaries, breaking and lowering them sometimes feels great!

In 2019, with a significant push from my brother and a friend, I embarked on a complete solo trip to Europe for 21 days. For someone who had never traveled alone before, I felt every possible necessity for such an experience and the invaluable exposure and learning it provided. The fact that solo travel has now become a necessity in my life—to explore places, meet new people, experience different possibilities—is indicative of its profound impact on me. More than just a hobby, traveling has become a passion for me.

During the trip, while I was in Berlin, the literature nerd in me delved into the history of Germany. My curiosity about Hitler as a person surpassed my interest in him as a dictator. From exploring concentration camps and visiting his bunker to touring the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, it felt like experiencing reality beyond the pages of books.

Among many other experiences, I had the opportunity to go scuba diving in Costa Brava, Barcelona. When people say it's an unmatched experience that can't be fully described in words, they're absolutely right. However, along with the diving experience itself, my instructor, a seasoned diving expert, left a lasting impression on me. He bore a large shark bite on his leg, creating a visible hollow. Hearing about his encounter and witnessing his lack of regret, and even his heightened passion for the hobby, left an indelible mark on me. It made me wonder: "Would I continue to be equally passionate about a hobby that could potentially lead to such near-death experiences? Do I have something as important as this for me in which logic is just not enough and you are doing it because it makes best sense to you?"

I learned the importance of patience, determination and living in the moment that day.

Traveling has also served as an escape for me at times, helping to keep me grounded. As an introvert who used to prefer small groups, I find that I become a complete extrovert when traveling alone. Opting to stay in mixed dorms at hostels rather than gender-divided ones, with the intention of socializing with people from diverse cultures, countries, and ethnicities, has consistently provided me with unparalleled experiences, crazy stories and just good connections to always feel good about. Staying in hostels has become my go-to while traveling, bringing me happiness and enriching my collection of travel stories.

Abruptly ending because the thought was equally abrupt! :)

A click from the same Scuba Diving experience


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